
Me in my personal library, with The Salt Roads
IMAGINE HOW EXCITED I WAS WHEN I FOUND OUT THAT NALO HOPKINSON WAS ON TWITTER: FULL OUT GEEK MODE!!!!! She even has an awesome BLOG! I'm currently reading Midnight Robber and totally enthralled with the plot and entagled in her beautiful writing...
Her writing style is so rich with cultural history/future that I feel a psychic connection with the landscapes she composes, yet her writing remains fully legible to those who may want to shy away. Her characters speak in a rich dialect that truly makes me feel inside of the story and not want to get out. Luckily, Professor Hopkinson's oeuvre is vast and diverse; so, once Tan-Tan lets me go I will be ready for her forthcoming novel Sister Mine. The cover art is amazing click over and take a look:

10 Novels that ..

"In 1972 Flannery O'Connor's posthumous short fiction collection The Complete Stories received the National Book Award, which is usually given to a living writer."
Picture:  Courtesy of Ina Dillard Russell Library, Georgia College and State University SOURCE

I haven't even cracked the first pages of On Beauty or White Teeth,

but I'll finish them before Zadie Smith releases her next novel NW in September 2012!

After I broke the screen on my Kindle I realized that I was better off with REAL books...
e-book readers are rubbish if they aren't readable.

Novelist Paule Marshall was born on May 9th, in Brooklyn NY, 1929
Author: Praisesong for the Widow
Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest
I can't take my nose out of this book! I'm not a slow reader, but once I confront a profound  part of the text that  moves me deeply I can't move on until I fully digest it.
Marshall's writing is visually poetic, and Avey's dream has me mesmerized...

This is my summer reading list. It contains a lot of titles that are like old friends that I need to revisit:

The Between
The Good House
Joplin's Ghost
I. My Soul to Keep
II. The Living Blood
III. Blood Colony
IV. My Soul to Take
Ishmael Reed
Mumbo Jumbo
Flight to Canada
The Kid, Sapphire
Gayle Jones
Eva's Man
The Healing
Octavia Butler
Parable of the Talents
Clay's Ark
William Faulkner
Absalom, Absalom 
Wild Palms
On Beauty, Zadie Smith
Praisesong for the Widow, Paule Marshall
Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison
Toni Morrison (rereads)
Tar Baby
Song of Solomon
Alice Walker
The Three Lives of Grange Copeland
Possessing the Secret of Joy
Nalo Hopkinson 
Brown Girl in the Ring
The Salt Roads
Getting Back to Happy, Terry McMillain
Dust Tracks on the Road, Zora Neale Hurston 
Jubilee, Margaret Walker
The Wind Done Gone, Alice Randall
Mama Day, Gloria Naylor
Edwidge Danticant
Breath, Eyes, Memory
The Farming of Bones
Stigmata, Phyllis Alesia Perry
Confessions of Nat Turner, William Styron
Someone Knows my Name, Lawrence Hill
Life is Short but Wide, J. California Cooper
The Girl Who Fell from the Sky, Heidi W. Durrow
Song Yet Sung, James McBride
Niceville, Carsten Stroud
Jonathan Odell, The Healing
March, Geraldine Brooks
Free Enterprise, Michelle Cliff
Darkest Child, Dolores Philips

I feel like I've been waiting for this book my entire life.
(Released MAY 2012)

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